The Quiddity of Life, R100 tokyo, Japan
The Better Life Index shows Japan performs well in a number of well-being dimensions compared with other countries. In terms of education, safety, and environmental quality, Japan performs better than the average. R100 Tokyo has unveiled a brand-new level of luxury and quality of life. The next phase of Japanese art of living is described by a new term called QOL (Quiddity of Life).
The Better Life Index shows Japan performs well in a number of well-being dimensions compared with other countries. In terms of education, safety, and environmental quality, Japan performs better than the average. R100 Tokyo has unveiled a brand-new level of luxury and quality of life. The next phase of Japanese art of living is described by a new term called QOL (Quiddity of Life).
Japan's aesthetic qualities transcend philosophical ideas about art and beauty. A cultural worldview is formed by them. In today's world, we are seeking the art of living.
R100 Tokyo is a Japanese brand whose mission is to cultivate design rooted in Japanese aesthetics with a global perspective. Creating meaningful values and innovating for a new era will be the result. This combines their vision of aesthetics, design, and sustainability. So what is the meaning of "QOL"? QOL is the most recent definition of the quiddity of life, from which most of us know the quality of life but, on top, having more layers and value. In order to meet such social challenges as sustainability, regeneration, and carbon emission reduction, the R100 Tokyo embraced and implemented a higher quality of life approach. They are trying to do that by incorporating knowledge required for the next era, including art, design, business, finance, technology, and sciences.
During a period of high economic development, complex living rapidly spread throughout the country. Individuality has progressed into "quantity" in lifestyle. Humanity today prioritizes a lifestyle called "Quality of life".
What does quality of life mean to you? Since each lifestyle is different, we cannot guarantee a definite answer. However, creating a sophisticated living space to provide a quality of life is where we can begin. A first step in cultivating and experiencing Japanese culture is to observe the environment and place in which we live. Most assets are valued based on their location.

Our home is more than just a place to live. This is a place to show what we dream of, and also to demonstrate our unique personality traits. Craftsmanship and products you can use at home can be found easily in Japan. In addition to just being a decoration, this is a way of appreciating luxury in life. Creativity or design is often incorporated into the place you live, and here are some ways to get more inspiration about creativity for your home from concierge services.
A cross-cultural approach is one of the investments in the realm of design, as well as in living, that will give your apartment a new sense of value. One of the most valuable decisions you will make is to hire a designer for your apartment. This will give you not only a superior quality of living but also a tangible sense of ownership.
Whether you want to buy a second home for yourself or for your children or an apartment for them to stay in when they visit Japan's capital for studies or travel, all nationalities have unique cultures that influence their lifestyles. Though all wishes may differ, almost all clients have a limited amount of time due to their hectic international schedules. To make the most of their customers' limited time, R100 Tokyo finds out as soon as possible what their clients' needs and lifestyles are.
In today's world, luxury is more than just something expensive or a brand; it is also a sense of appreciation, the value of craftsmanship, the value of furniture, and the sense of living in luxury. Taking into account the neighborhood community, your home's design lifestyle, and concierge services that may streamline the process of building or managing your apartment or group are all significant aspects to consider.
When it comes to quality, it is rare to find condominiums larger than 100m2 in prime locations. As with an apartment in Japan, beside the design, the first thing to consider is the quality. Japan is an area prone to earthquakes. It is therefore important that we pay attention to the quality of the buildings there. Thus, prominent architects have designed and constructed buildings in prime locations at some points in history, which is a quality assurance for your home or investment. In Japan, aesthetic design is regarded as one of the most precious and valuable assets. The finest materials should be used in the design of your apartment if you are serious about investing in it.
There is a significant cushioning effect provided by regeneration initiatives, but when it comes to holding properties in a portfolio, they have a limited effect. Toward a New Growth Era in our society, conservation is one of the value to keep our society reiterate.
Regeneration of urban areas contributes to sustainable development by 'recycling' land and buildings, reducing demolition waste, urbanizing peripheral areas, and facilitating intensification and compactness. As we mature, choosing the right apartment that fits our needs can benefit our society and help us to respond to our social responsibilities.

M: Merci Magazine, Peggy Lui O: OEO STUDIO Thomas Lykke
M: Would you be able to tell us more about your collaboration with R100 tokyo?
O: Opus Arisugawa residence 302 is the first project we have done for R100 tokyo. It has been both a very challenging project as well as rewarding. Challenging in the sense that we could not travel to Japan and oversee the project like we always do to pay attention to all details small as big.
We were completely depending on R100 tokyo and for R100 tokyo to be our eyes. It was a great collaboration and the residence 302 speaks for it self. it is even better in real life then on pictures. Hinsides I think both R100 and OEO Studio has learned a lot from the project.
M: Your relationship with Japan is different for each of you. How would you describe it?
O: Yes I guess we share the same appreciation and fascination for the culture andcountry. I guess we can say that my obsession with Japan started as a young teenager and has followed me ever since. I always felt a deeper connection to Japan. There is so much to learn from the culture and history.
M: Is it possible for you to share with us your design idea for Opus Arisugawa's newly renovated apartment at R100 tokyo?
O: Our design intent was to create a Japanese home infused with Scandinavian lifestyle and design. In many ways it feels very Japanese yet it also feels refreshing, modern with a twist of a Nordic flavour. It is warm and welcoming and designed for people to live there and to use it. Its a place for contemplation, relaxation, twosomeness as well as socialising with friends and family. Its a perfect retreat from the bustling, lively and busy Tokyo.
M: Would you be able to tell us more about your collaboration with R100 tokyo?
O: Opus Arisugawa residence 302 is the first project we have done for R100 tokyo. It has been both a very challenging project as well as rewarding. Challenging in the sense that we could not travel to Japan and oversee the project like we always do to pay attention to all details small as big. We were completely depending on R100 tokyo and for R100 tokyo to be our eyes. It was a great collaboration and the residence 302 speaks for it self. it is even better in real life then on pictures. Hinsides I think both R100 and OEO Studio has learned a lot from the project.
M: Your relationship with Japan is different for each of you. How would you describe it?
O: Yes I guess we share the same appreciation and fascination for the culture and country. I guess we can say that my obsession with Japan started as a young teenager and has followed me ever since. I always felt a deeper connection to Japan. There is so much to learn from the culture and history.
M: Is it possible for you to share with us your design idea for Opus Arisugawa's newly renovated apartment at R100 tokyo?
O: Our design intent was to create a Japanese home infused with Scandinavian lifestyle and design. In many ways it feels very Japanese yet it also feels refreshing, modern with a twist of a Nordic flavour. It is warm and welcoming and designed for people to live there and to use it.
Its a place for contemplation, relaxation, twosomes as well as socialising with friends and family. Its a perfect retreat from the bustling, lively and busy Tokyo.
M: What message do you wish to convey to Opus Arisugawa's apartment?
O: Residence 302 is a tribute to materiality and to detail we want to communicate the importance of beauty, natural materials, quality and perfection.
M: Can you share with us about your lifestyles?
O: Relaxed, unpretentious, human
M: Given the diverse cultural aspects, how do you see this design project changing our lifestyle in the near future?
O: Changing is a big word - hopefully the project can bring attention to the value beauty, rituals, crafts, materials and detail all composed in a way to support people in a relaxed and modern setting.
The rooted in Japanese aesthetics with a global perspective

M: Merci Magazine, Peggy Lui | R+: R100 tokyo Takashi Urakawa
M: How do you yourself define the quiddity of life?
R+: I believe that it is important to live a life of self- fulfillment that values “essence” more than quality. It’s not about always longing for what you don’t have, but about living with a deep understanding, respect, and joy for what is around you. For example, I think it means understanding and caring for what kind of intentions and processes were used to create a product, feeling proud of passing on something that has been handed down in an authentic and honest way, and I believe that it means to feel the essential value of things and experiences while living in the moment.
In other words, it is a way of life that values not just material or quantitative satisfaction, but a way of feeling and weaving meaningful time, and enjoying it while feeling an inner sense of fulfillment. As we live in a diverse society, we have to be flexible and adapt to new rules.
On the other hand, you may be feeling doubt, frustration, and anxiety about the sense of accelerating, faster, higher, and more. It is in these times that we need to discern “what changes and what stays the same” and what is important. I feel that enjoying and living on one’s own time axis leads to an essential way of life. In other words, expressing oneself in one’s own way of life, which I consider to be a quality and essential way of life.
M: How does R100 tokyo strive to provide or improve the quality of life of people purchasing your properties?
R+: Our residences have been carefully selected from the perspective of R100 tokyo, then we revitalize the property with thoughtful design to enhance the value. Our properties are located in some of the most desirable central Tokyo neighborhoods, which are backed by history, and we create homes of high quality and spacious proportions. The city of Tokyo is rich in culture and offers a variety of properties to suit all tastes. The updated renovated spaces are not only economically rational and comfortable to live in, but they are also intrinsically rich spaces that have been carefully created one by one. We believe that the following elements of a home are necessary for a rich life.
Rather than selecting extravagant materials we chose materials that will develop character over time.
They are spacious enough to accommodate changes in lifestyle and allow for a variety of uses.
Designs that residents will grow to love as they go about their daily life.
We are earnestly pursuing a space where people can live comfortably for many years.
We are not only providing housing, but also services that will enrich people’s lives after they start living there. In our consulting service for clients searching for a home, we provide real estate information with high asset value, and our R100 tokyo consultants support clients in selecting a partner to create a space based on their ideal lifestyle. R100 tokyo is not just about building homes, it incorporates the know-how and experience that we have gained through our experience in hotels, offices, commercial facilities.
Secondly, we are going to start providing services that will enhance the richness of people’s lives. We will start with the field of art, but we, at R100 tokyo, would like to offer services that go beyond simply introducing and making arrangements, and we intend to provide a richer experience for our clients than ever before.
M: How do you differentiate the essential value or uniqueness of R100 tokyo?
R+: R100 tokyo is not only about providing comfortable and well-designed residences in Tokyo, but also about proposing an essential way of living that goes beyond that. We are committed to providing our customers with proposals that will enrich their daily lives even after they move into their residences.
It is also our hope that the number of people who share this essential way of life will grow, and with the expansion of this circle, the value of "living in Tokyo" will increase even further.
M: What kind of community does R100 tokyo offer to its residents? Please describe online and offline communities?
R+: At R100 tokyo, we would like to offer an essential way of living through various experiences. We aim to facilitate interactive communication with people who share this essential way of living.
Our goal at R100 tokyo is to provide our customers with a variety of experiences that will enrich their lives. Moreover, we would like to be able to communicate through interactive means with people who live by this essential way of life. For this purpose, we launched "Curiosity," an online magazine that provides new discoveries, hints for enriched living, and articles that stimulate curiosity and inspire action. As a result of this media, R100 tokyo will be shared by a wide range of people. By becoming a member of R100 tokyo THE CLUB, we will propose essential ways of living to our members. R100 tokyo Salon is a place where you can experience R100 tokyo not only in media, but also in real life. We offer an assortment of events covering art and culture. As part of our mission, we would like to provide a place for our members to not only learn, but also to connect and communicate with one another.
“ReBITA is Japan’s leading refurbishment company.
They increased their value because they contributed to a better quality of life than conventional construction. In an environment that is constantly changing, including technological innovations and environmental concerns, lifestyles must have timeless value. People living lives with universal charm can appreciate the value of their own senses and experiences.”
The R100 tokyo consulting team carefully selects properties with solid asset values, such as "over 100 square meters," "mansions with lush greenery," and "high-quality management systems."With a unique space design and plan, their exclusive consultants introduce products and services tailored to each individual client. In addition, the services are divided into three categories:
1. research - Property Search
Based on area, region, and budget. Offering properties for apartment designed by R100 tokyo and those that are publicly available. A selection of carefully selected condominium information will be presented to you by R100 tokyo.
2. renovation
R100 tokyo will develop a renovation plan based on the needs of each customer. A renovation plan tailored to your needs will be proposed.
You can experience the Interior, space and philosophy of R100 Tokyo by visiting their salon first.
3. resales
In addtion to providing unique sales strategies for R100 tokyo's approximately 6,000 members, R100 tokyo specializes in the sale of mid to low-rise condominiums in central Tokyo
To discovery more information about R100 tokyo