One Story by Merci Media Corporation - Trademark File: 2222129


Issue #01

The Kimpton Hotel - A love letter to the cultural capital of Canada, created in honest dialog with its past and future legends


MariaJJ Works have been exhibited internationally including in Asia. Her forthcoming show is in Milan, where her work will be shown in the ‘Jewelry Drops’ exhibition.


Enoch lives by John Lennon’s “you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” The dreamer has dreamed and the dream will surely play out as a symphony of family life for the architect and his many happy clients.


Exciting news! For the first time in over 50 years, the 2023 JID Award is now open to international designers or their projects based in Japan. One Story Issue 07.

Did you know that the 公益社団法人日本インテリアデザイナー協会 Japan Interior Designers Association (JID) is a national association that represents the interests of interior architects/ interior designers in Japan? Founded in 1958, JID has been committed to promoting exchanges, enlightenment, and advancement for interior designers in Japan and beyond.


Experience design at its finest with Max Lam Designs! By seamlessly integrating visual displays, ambient music, and captivating scents, Max creates multi-sensory retail experiences that engage, elevate, and nourish. His unrelenting pursuit of personal and professional growth pushes him to learn new skills and immerse himself in new cultures. Join Max on his journey as he redefines the limits of design and takes you on a sensory adventure you'll never forget!


11 Stylus Studio

Good design begins with good listening. Throughout each project, Stylus Studio prides itself on understanding the myriad narratives that converge. All voices are valued, every perspective is respected, from their clients’ aspirations to the rich tapestry of history woven into a place. In the world of design, Simon Zeng and Vincent Zhang founded this interior architectural firm with decades of experience and a philosophy rooted in meaningful design.


11 Stylus Studio (Japanese)


ISSUE #16 The Mastermind Behind ElseDesign | Philip Fung

Philip Fung is a visionary architect, known for his innovative and contextually sensitive work. He inspires both peers and the public, reminding us of the profound impact of thoughtful and creative architectural practice.

ISSUE #17 ビジョンを抱いて | ニッキ・ホー

日本語版「One Story: LOT Architects(ロット アークテクツ)」が発売されます!LOT Architects(ロット アークテクツ)の創設者、ニッキ・ホーは、利用者を感銘や高揚感を与える機能的な空間の創造に情熱を注いでいます。クライアント、エンドユーザー、エンジニア、施工チームの意見やニーズを的確に取り入れたデザインアプローチで、各プロジェクトが使う人の生活の質の向上につながるように努めています。ニッキの建築家としてのビジョンは、デザインを通じて社会にポジティブな影響を与えることです


Wesley Liu: Nothing is impossible - Creating, evolving, seeing your dreams come true, being happy: a belief that nothing is impossible can bring about everything you imagine.

ISSUE#05-JP Version

エノクはジョン・レノンの「You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one」という言葉を胸に生きています。夢想家は夢を描き、その夢は必ずや建築家と多くの幸せなクライアントのために、家族の暮らしのシンフォニーとして再生されることでしょう。

Issue #08

Keith: A visionary interior designer seamlessly integrating diverse talents. Lecturer, writer, curator of exquisite homewares. Redefining aesthetics, captivating discerning eyes.  The epitome of a modern design virtuoso, elevating creativity and business to new heights.

ISSUE #09-JP Version

スペースの制約に革新的な解決法で挑む、限られたスペースに直面したとき、デザイナーに求められるのは、創造的で既成概念にとらわれない発想です。Max Lam Designs が強みを発揮するのはそんな時です。業界での長年の経験が、制約をチャンスに変えるチーム能力に磨きをかけています。

ISSUE #10-JP Version

パーフェクト デュオ : OFT Interiors は、ダイナミックなインテリアデザイン界で、理想的なコンビ(パーフェクト デュオ)の代表として卓越した存在です。彼らの協力的な精神、芸術的な才能、そして卓越性への揺るぎない献身は、デザインの風景を形作り、新しい基準を設定し続けています。


12 Artwill Interior Design House

The inspiring journey of women in the design industry, with a focus on the dynamic landscape of Hong Kong. Our featured story centers on the exceptional achievements and insights of Regina Kwok, a pioneering female entrepreneur and experienced designer with over twenty years of expertise in interior design.

ISSUE#15 日本語版

空間づくりや内装建築デザインにおいては、”less is more” が私のモットーです。機能性や実用性のない空間には意味はありません。美的感覚に優れ、かつ機能的な空間づくりに力を注ぐことが不可欠です。快適で機能的な空間は、歓びと安らぎ、そして満足感をもたらしてくれるでしょう。- サミュエル

ISSUE #16 Japanese Version: 建築の錬金術師


Issue#02-JP Version

Wesley Liu: 不可能はない : 創造すること、進化すること、夢が叶うこと、幸せになること。不可能はないと信じることで、想像していたことがすべて実現できるのです。


Peggy Lui is clear in her vision and passion for developing connections between designers through the Sky Design Awards. Her mantra is ‘The power of now’. In posing the question to her for this special edition of One Story, ‘The future: what does it hold for Sky Design Awards?’, her answer was simple. ‘Limitless’.

Issue #08JP Version


ISSUE #06-JP Version

SDA が、デザイナー同士のつながりを発展させる架け橋となることが、ペギー ルイの明確なビジョンと熱意です。大切にしている考え方は「The power of now(今この瞬間のちから)」。今回、One Story 特別版記事のために「未来:Sky Design Awardsはどうなるのか」と問いかけると、彼女はシンプルに「無限の可能性」とこたえました。


The perfect DUO - OfT Interiors stands out as the epitome of the perfect duo in the dynamic world of interior design. Their collaborative spirit, artistic prowess, and unwavering dedication to excellence continue to shape the landscape of design, setting new standards.


Motive Inc. specializes in pioneering signage designs for interiors and architecture, driven by Takuya Wakizaki's philosophy of harmonizing form and function. This approach has positioned Motive Inc. as the premier choice for businesses and organizations seeking to elevate their visual branding and user experience.

Issue #15 in Him’s Interior Design (English Version)

Less is more, Samuel said: A space without functionality is like a blank canvas without purpose. The essence of good design lies in seamlessly melding functionality and beauty. By meticulously curating the space to keep clutter at bay, I balance modernity and style confidently.

ISSUE #17 Embracing Vision | Nikki Ho

Nikki Ho, the founder of LOT Architects, is committed to creating functional spaces that inspire and uplift users. Her design approach integrates the insights and needs of clients, end-users, engineers, and construction teams, ensuring that each project enhances the quality of life for its occupants. She embraces her vision as an architect, striving to make a positive impact through her designs.